Showing posts with label excellent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label excellent. Show all posts

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Excellent News!

Baudrillard's Bastard has favored Lumpenprofessoriat with the coveted, viral E for Excellent award for my provocative blogging. I am touched. Truly. Thank you. Given the source, I will display my E with pride.

I get to pass on the award now and I'll follow Ortho's example and select four, rather than the original ten, excellent blogs that I read and enjoy.

  1. Limited, Inc. who is still the smartest man I know.
  2. Amitava Kumar who's writings I've been a fan of long before there were blogs.
  3. LesobProf for sanity and clarity.
  4. Citizen of Somewhere Else for managing to post on both Hawthorne and anime.